Planning Is 90% of the Work
In part 1 of this series, I described the merits of using project-management software to design a Gantt charta project management report that lets you see graphically what has to be done when. Everything that I've discussed so far in this series has been part of planning. Using project-management skills and methods to develop your plan will help you tremendously.
Recently, I contributed to a book that I believe will help you plan your move. IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish (McGraw-Hill Osborne, 2002), by Joseph Phillips, includes my article about budgeting. Overall, there are many skills covered in this book that you can learn, and then use to make the most out of developing and following a sound project plan. A well-crafted plan with buy-in from your team will be a blueprint to success when the time comes to execute that plan.