About the Authors
Jay Daliparthy
Jay Daliparthy is a Senior Product Manager and Team Leader in N1 and Management Solutions Marketing. He is responsible for marketing and managing products in the Systems Management area, with a focus on Installation, Patch Management, Provisioning and Change Management. Jay Daliparthy has been working at Sun since October 2000.
Prior to Sun, he worked in Oracle Corporation for three years as a Product Manager and as a Principal Consultant with a focus on business applications software. Before joining Oracle, he worked for seven years at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst as an Adjunct Asst. Professor/Sr. Research Fellow. Prior to that, he worked as an Asst. Professor at the A.P. Agricultural University, India. He holds a Doctorate degree in Agricultural Sciences and has published many articles in various Journals. Dr. Daliparthy has many years of experience in programming, consulting, marketing, teaching, and research.
James Falkner
James Falkner has been at Sun for the past six years developing new software deployment models and provisioning technologies. As a Staff Engineer in the Solaris Provisioning group, he has worked on a number of products including Web Start Wizards, JumpStart, Flash, Live Upgrade, and Secure Packaging and Installation. He holds U.S. and European patents for techniques for Internet-based provisioning, and has published several articles and white papers for BigAdmin (Sun's system administrator portal), SuperG, and SysAdmin magazine. He can be reached at james.falkner@sun.com