Using ssh for SC to SC File Propagation
SMS software supports the concept of a main and spare system controller. This allows one system controller to take over for the other under certain conditions. While I won't go into the specifics of the conditions here, suffice it to say in order for this to work properly, there must be a way within SMS for configuration information created on the main system controller to be replicated on the spare. This is referred to as file propagation. Prior to patch 112481-05 for SMS 1.2 and the release of SMS 1.3, file propagation was performed using what is commonly referred to as r* commands such as rcp. Many sites dislike the use of r* commands even in the limited context of use within the MAN between the system controllers due to concerns over security. To address this, the listed patch for SMS 1.2, and SMS 1.3, will allow for the use of ssh/scp (secure shell/secure copy) to perform the functions of file propagation in a more secure fashion. This should help to mitigate the concerns brought about by the prior use of the r* commands. OpenSSH is an open source internet available implementation of ssh which can be used on Solaris 8 OE, but if you are using Solaris 9 OE a version of secure shell is included and its use is recommended. Third party commercial implementations are available as well. Refer to the Sun BluePrints OnLine article "Securing the Sun Fire 12K and 15K System Controllers" for more detailed information.