3.24 item
Element type |
item |
Attributes |
repeat | weight | xml:lang |
Parents |
item | one-of | rule |
Children |
count | item | one-of | ruleref | tag | token |
Description |
Wraps a rule expansion and associates with it a weight to indicate the probability of this element's rule expansion being matched and a tag used to fill one or more fields if this item is matched in a grammar. The item element can also delimit different rule expansions in a one-of element. This is one of the VoiceXML components likely to change: The W3C is currently working on the Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition Specification which will subsume this element. |
<!ELEMENT item (%rule-expansion; | tag)* > <!ATTLIST item weight NMTOKEN #IMPLIED repeat CDATA #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED >
Language model
repeat : CDATA
Specifies that the contents of this item may be heard repeatedly. The permissible patterns of repeat may be expressed as in Table 3-2.
tag : CDATA (deprecated)
In the early version of the VoiceXML 2.0 Specification the tag attribute represented an expression to be interpreted if this item element's rule-expansion is matched. This is typically an ECMAScript expression.
Table 3-2. The permissible patterns of repeat
Pattern |
Description |
0-1 |
This item is optional. |
This item may occur zero or more times. |
This item may occur one or more times. |
This item may occur n or more times (where n is an integer). |
n-m |
This item may occur between n and m times inclusive (where n and m are both integers and m > n). Older implementations may still use the count element to specify repeats. An example of this is shown below. |
weight : NMTOKEN
Specifies the expected probability of this item's rule-expansion being spoken. This is used to provide a hint to the speech recognition engine.
xml:lang : NMTOKEN
Specifies the spoken language used with this element. For example, en-US for US English.
A rule-expansion
To be enumerated within a one-of element.
Example 3-27 A weighted grammar definition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form id="test"> <field name="favcolor"> <prompt>What is your favorite color?</prompt> <grammar xml:lang="en-US" version="1.0" root="colors"> <rule id="colors" scope="public"> <one-of> <item><tag>red</tag>red</item> <item weight="0.5"><tag>red</tag>burgundy</item> <item><tag>blue</tag>blue</item> <item weight="0.5"><tag>blue</tag>indigo</item> <item><tag>green</tag>green</item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> <filled> <prompt> You said <value expr="favcolor"/>. </prompt> </filled> </field> </form> </vxml>
An example of the deprecated form of item where the tag attribute is used is shown for the grammar element in 3.20, “grammar,”.
Example 3-28 The deprecated count element
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form id="test"> <field name="howmuch"> <prompt> Do you think this dialog is very good <break/> or very very good? </prompt> <grammar xml:lang="en-US" version="1.0" root="ROOT"> <rule id="ROOT" scope="public"> <count number="optional">I think its</count> <count number="0+">very</count> good </rule> </grammar> </field> <filled> <prompt> I'm glad you liked it! </prompt> </filled> </form> </vxml>
Though the count element is now deprecated, on many interpreters, the count element (Example 3-28) is still the only way to indicate a repeat or an optional rule expansion.