3.32 noinput
Element type |
noinput |
Attributes |
cond | count |
Parents |
field | form | initial | menu | object | record | subdialog | transfer | vxml |
Children |
assign | audio | clear | disconnect | enumerate | exit | goto | if | log | prompt | reprompt | return | script | submit | throw | value | var |
Description |
A shorthand that handles the noinput event. |
<!ELEMENT noinput (%executable.content;)* > <!ATTLIST noinput %event.handler.attrs; >
Language model
cond : expression = true
This event handler will only be executed if this ECMAScript expression evaluates to true.
count : integer
The event handler should be run only when the counter associated with a menu, form, or form item is equal to the quantity specified by this attribute. In the case where there is no count value equal to the counter, than the noinput with the lowest count value, which is greater than the counter, will be selected. When the counter is greater than all count values, the catch with the highest count value will be selected.
To be executed when this noinput element handles a noinput event.
Example 3-38 Tapered noinput element
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <vxml version="1.0"> <form id="flavor"> <field name="selection"> <grammar>vanilla|chocolate|strawberry</grammar> <prompt> Please say one of the following flavors: chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry. </prompt> <catch event="nomatch noinput" count="1"> Select from chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry. </catch> <nomatch count="2"> Say either chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry. </nomatch> <noinput count="2">Say something.</noinput> <catch event="nomatch noinput" count="3"> Now exiting<disconnect/> </catch> </field> <filled>Your selection is being prepared.</filled> </form> </vxml>