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This chapter is from the book
Overview of Chapters
Here is a preview of the journey you have just embarked on:
- In this chapter, we introduced the FoE business philosophy and summarized its astonishing performance in today's challenging business environment.
- Chapter 2, "New Age, New Rules, New Capitalism," discusses the new rules for playing the game of business in the Age of Transcendence and offers the unconventional idea that an increasing number of companies are behaving in ways that mirror the growing influence of self-actualization needs and processes that derive from our aging society.
Chapter 3, "The Chaotic Interregnum," discusses how and why the social transformation of capitalism that is underway is happening and shaping up to be a huge ideological change in capitalistic theory and practice.
We now start looking at how FoEs manage their relationships with each stakeholder group.
- In Chapter 4, "Employees—The Decline and Fall of Human Resources," we look at how these companies deal with their employees, creating happy and productive work environments in which employees are highly motivated, valued, and well rewarded.
- Chapter 5, "Customers—The Power of Love," addresses customer relationships, describing the new marketing paradigm that is emerging in the Age of Transcendence. This includes honoring the legal as well as the unspoken emotional contract that companies have with their customers, and indeed, with all stakeholders.
- Chapter 6, "Investors—Reaping What FoEs Sow," deals with investors. We show how companies can and must relate to their investors in financial as well as emotional terms.
- Chapter 7, "Partners—Elegant Harmonies," addresses business partners, including suppliers, distributors, retailers, and others. As companies outsource more and more value creation, business partners are becoming increasingly crucial to success. This chapter shows how FoEs manage these vital relationships in a symbiotic and mutually beneficial way.
- Chapter 8, "Society—The Ultimate Stakeholder," deals with how FoEs relate to the world at large, including the communities within which they operate, competitors, governments at all levels, and nongovernmental organizations. We view society as the ultimate stakeholder because it subsumes each of the other stakeholders within it. The key message here is that FoEs are enthusiastically welcomed into the communities where they operate and view governments as partners in value creation rather than adversaries.
- Chapter 9, "Culture—The Secret Ingredient," addresses issues of leadership and corporate culture.
- Chapter 10, "Lessons Learned," summarizes what we have learned about the FoE way of doing business.
- Chapter 11, "Crossing Over to the Other Side," concludes the book with a vision of the "simplicity on the other side of complexity" that describes the FoE management philosophy.
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