- Creating Web Pages
- Working with Web Pages
- Setting Other Page Properties
- Previewing Pages in a Browser
Setting Other Page Properties
Besides enabling you to change a page's title, the Page Properties dialog box controls many other aspects of individual pages. You can set a page's background image, sound, and color. You also can change the color of your text and link colors—though you're much better off using CSS to set those aspects (see "Creating Styles with CSS" on page 121).
To set page properties:
Open the page you want to change, and choose File > Properties.
When the Page Properties dialog box appears, the General tab opens by default.
- Click the tab you want to use, and select the options you want to set within that tab.
- After making your choices, click OK to close the dialog and apply the property changes.
- Save the page (
). If you add an image or sound file that's not already part of the site, click OK when the Save Embedded Files dialog box appears. To see the result in your main Web browser, press
Page Properties
Of the six tabs in the Page Properties dialog box, General and Formatting get the most use.
General controls the title (as explained on page 41) (Figure 3.32). The Page description and Keywords fields harken back to the days when search engines used this metadata to categorize your pages. Nowadays, such engines just search the body of your pages, but these two items remain useful for pages you're migrating from FrontPage to Expression Web. If you want to use a Background sound, click that pane's Browse button to navigate to the sound file. Do not use the Location path to move a page; just click and drag it in the Folder List.
Figure 3.32 Use the General tab in the Page Properties dialog box to set the title, page description, keywords, and background sound.
Formatting controls the background image, plus the color of the text and hyperlinks. To add a background image, select Background picture; select Make it a watermark if you want the image to be semitransparent (top, Figure 3.33). Browse to the image you want to use, and after you select an image, the Formatting tab lists the image's path (bottom, Figure 3.33). (To remove the image, select the path and click Delete.) To change the background, text, or link colors of a single page, use the bottom Colors pane of the Page Properties dialog box.
Figure 3.33 Use the Formatting tab in the Page Properties dialog box to set the background image, plus the colors of the background, text, and links.
- Advanced lets you set the margins for that particular page, but again, it's best to handle this using CSS (see "Creating Layouts with CSS" on page 145)
- Custom lets you create custom code snippets based on system and user variables.
Language controls both the page's language and HTML encoding (Figure 3.34). Together, they ensure that Expression Web and your browser use the appropriate character sets for the language being used. In general, however, this usually is handled by your computer's main settings.
Figure 3.34 The Language tab in the Page Properties dialog box sets the language and encoding options.
Workgroup is useful if you have a team of people working on a site (Figure 3.35).
Figure 3.35 If you have a team building a site, the Workgroup tab helps you create categories, assignments, and status flags.