- Introduction
- Creating SmartArt Graphics
- Using the Text Pane with SmartArt Graphics
- Modifying a SmartArt Graphic
- Resizing a SmartArt Graphic
- Formatting a SmartArt Graphic
- Formatting a Shape in a SmartArt Graphic
- Creating an Organization Chart
- Modifying an Organization Chart
- Inserting a Chart
- Selecting Chart Data
- Entering Chart Data
- Editing Chart Data
- Importing Data
- Modifying the Data Worksheet
- Selecting a Chart Type, Layout, and Style
- Formatting Chart Objects
- Changing the Chart Layout Objects
- Saving a Chart Template
- Inserting a Table
- Modifying a Table
- Formatting a Table
- Adding a Quick Style to a Table
- Applying Effects to a Table
- Sharing Information Among Documents
- Embedding and Linking an Object
- Modifying Links
- Inserting a Microsoft Excel Chart
- Inserting a Microsoft Word Document
- Inserting a Microsoft Organization Chart
- Modifying a Microsoft Organization Chart
- Linking and Embedding Sounds
Formatting a Shape in a SmartArt Graphic
In the same way you can apply shape fills, outlines, and effects to a shape, you can also apply them to shapes in a SmartArt graphic. You can modify all or part of the SmartArt graphic by using the Shape Fill, Shape Outline, and Shape Effects buttons (New!). Shape Fill can be set to be a solid, gradient, texture or picture, or set the Shape Outline to be a solid or gradient (New!). In addition, you can change the look of a SmartArt graphic by applying effects (New!), such as glow and soft edges. If a shape in a SmartArt graphic contains text, you can use WordArt style galleries to modify shape text.
Apply a Shape Fill to a SmartArt Graphic
Select the shapes in the SmartArt graphic you want to modify.
Click the Format tab under SmartArt Tools.
Click the Shape Fill button.
Click a color, No Fill, or Picture to select an image, or point to Gradient, or Texture, and then select a style.
Apply a Shape Outline to a SmartArt Graphic
Select the shapes in the SmartArt graphic you want to modify.
Click the Format tab under SmartArt Tools.
Click the Shape Outline button.
Click a color or No Outline, or point to Weight or Dashes, and then select a style.
Apply a Shape Effect to a SmartArt Graphic
Select the shapes in the SmartArt graphic you want to modify.
Click the Format tab under SmartArt Tools.
Click the Shape Effects button, and then point to one of the following:
- Preset to select No 3-D, one of the preset types, or More 3-D Settings.
- Shadow to select No Shadow, one of the shadow types, or More Shadows.
- Reflection to select No Reflection or one of the Reflection Variations.
- Glow to select No Glow, one of the Glow Variations, or More Glow Colors.
- Soft Edges to select No Soft Edges or a point size to determine the soft edge amount.
- Bevel to select No Bevel, one of the bevel types, or More 3-D Settings.
- 3-D Rotation to select No Rotation, one of the rotation types, or More 3-D Settings.
When you point to an effect, a live preview (New!) of the style appears in the current shape.
Click the effect you want from the gallery to apply it to the selected shape.