- Introduction
- Creating SmartArt Graphics
- Using the Text Pane with SmartArt Graphics
- Modifying a SmartArt Graphic
- Resizing a SmartArt Graphic
- Formatting a SmartArt Graphic
- Formatting a Shape in a SmartArt Graphic
- Creating an Organization Chart
- Modifying an Organization Chart
- Inserting a Chart
- Selecting Chart Data
- Entering Chart Data
- Editing Chart Data
- Importing Data
- Modifying the Data Worksheet
- Selecting a Chart Type, Layout, and Style
- Formatting Chart Objects
- Changing the Chart Layout Objects
- Saving a Chart Template
- Inserting a Table
- Modifying a Table
- Formatting a Table
- Adding a Quick Style to a Table
- Applying Effects to a Table
- Sharing Information Among Documents
- Embedding and Linking an Object
- Modifying Links
- Inserting a Microsoft Excel Chart
- Inserting a Microsoft Word Document
- Inserting a Microsoft Organization Chart
- Modifying a Microsoft Organization Chart
- Linking and Embedding Sounds
Modifying Links
When you modify a linked object, it is usually updated in the destination document. However, if it doesn’t automatically update, you can update the link manually. All Office 2007 programs give you some control over the links you have established. You can convert a linked object to another object type. For example, if you linked an Excel 2007 worksheet to a PowerPoint 2007 presentation, and then later wanted to save it as a PowerPoint 97-2003 presentation, you can convert the linked Excel object to an Excel 97-2003 worksheet.
Edit a Linked Object
Open the presentation that contains the links you want to update.
Double-click the object.
The source program opens.
Make changes you want.
Click the Office button (or File menu, depending on the program), and then click Exit program name (or Exit to return to program name).
Convert a Linked Object
Right-click the linked object whose file type you want to convert.
Point to Linked x Object, where x is Worksheet, Equation, or some file type, depending on the object type.
Click Convert.
Click the new object type you want.
Click OK.