- Introduction
- Creating SmartArt Graphics
- Using the Text Pane with SmartArt Graphics
- Modifying a SmartArt Graphic
- Resizing a SmartArt Graphic
- Formatting a SmartArt Graphic
- Formatting a Shape in a SmartArt Graphic
- Creating an Organization Chart
- Modifying an Organization Chart
- Inserting a Chart
- Selecting Chart Data
- Entering Chart Data
- Editing Chart Data
- Importing Data
- Modifying the Data Worksheet
- Selecting a Chart Type, Layout, and Style
- Formatting Chart Objects
- Changing the Chart Layout Objects
- Saving a Chart Template
- Inserting a Table
- Modifying a Table
- Formatting a Table
- Adding a Quick Style to a Table
- Applying Effects to a Table
- Sharing Information Among Documents
- Embedding and Linking an Object
- Modifying Links
- Inserting a Microsoft Excel Chart
- Inserting a Microsoft Word Document
- Inserting a Microsoft Organization Chart
- Modifying a Microsoft Organization Chart
- Linking and Embedding Sounds
Modifying the Data Worksheet
After you enter or edit data in the worksheet, you might need to change the column widths to fit the data. If you see ##### in a cell, it means there is not enough room in the column to display the data. You need to increase the column width to display the data. If you need to change one column, you can use the mouse to quickly change the column width. To uniformly change several columns to the same column width, you can use the Column Width command on the Format menu. You may need to reformat the datasheet itself—its size and how it displays the data—to make it easier to read. For example, you can format numbers in currency, accounting, percentage, and scientific formats. You can also change the fonts used in the graph.
Change the Width of a Column
- To increase or decrease the width of a column, show the data in the worksheet, position the pointer on the vertical line to the right of the column heading, and then drag the pointer until the column is the correct width.
To adjust a datasheet column to display the widest data entered (also known as Best Fit), show the data in the worksheet, position the pointer on the line to the right of the column heading, and then double-click to adjust the column width.
If a series of number signs (#) appears in a cell, it means the cell is not wide enough to display the entire cell contents. Widen the column to view the data.
Insert Cells, Rows, and Columns
In the worksheet, select the cells you want to modify.
Click the Home tab.
Click where you want to insert cells:
- To insert a column, click the column heading to the right of where you want the new column.
- To insert a row, click the row heading below where you want the new row.
- To insert a single cell, click an adjacent cell.
Click the Insert Cells button arrow, and then click the insert option you want.
Format the Worksheet
In the worksheet, select the cells you want to modify.
Click the Home tab.
Use the options on the Ribbon to make the formatting changes you want.
- To apply a theme, click the Cell Styles button, and then click the style you want.
- To format individual attributes, use the options in the Font and Alignment groups to make the formatting changes you want.
- To format numbers, use the options in the Number groups to make the formatting changes you want.