- Setting Sales and Customers Preferences
- Creating an Invoice
- Previewing Invoices
- Printing a Single Invoice
- Printing a Batch of Invoices
- Emailing an Invoice
- Charging Expenses to a Customer
- Setting Finance Charge Preferences
- Creating a Monthly Statement
- Setting Send Forms Preferences
- Tracking Accounts Receivable
- Receiving Payments for Invoices
- Issuing a Credit or Refund
- Receiving Cash
- Making Bank Deposits
- Receiving Advances, Retainers, and Down Payments
- Issuing Discounts
- Viewing the Open Invoices Report
- Creating a Collection Letter
- Recording Bad Debts
This chapter is from the book
Creating a Monthly Statement
It’s not unusual to have some customers who don’t pay their bills on time. If you have customers like this, you probably want to send them a reminder that they owe you money. The monthly statement lists outstanding invoices and also provides you with an opportunity to assess a finance charge.
Select Customers, Create Statements.
Indicate the date that will appear on the statement.
Choose dates in the Statement Period From fields, or choose All Open Transactions as of Statement Date to create a statement for all outstanding invoices.
If you choose to prepare statements for all outstanding invoices, check this box to limit the statements to invoices more than a designated number of days overdue.
Select the customers who will receive statements. If you select any option other than All Customers, you can then select the specific customers who will receive statements.
Select a template to use for the statements from the Template drop-down list.
Choose between creating one statement per customer or one statement per job.
Check Show Invoice Item Details on Statements to provide detailed information from the invoice(s) on the statement.
Choose to sort statements by billing address zip code.
Check options under the Do Not Create Statements heading to customize the selection of which customers receive statements.
Click Print or E-mail.