- Setting Sales and Customers Preferences
- Creating an Invoice
- Previewing Invoices
- Printing a Single Invoice
- Printing a Batch of Invoices
- Emailing an Invoice
- Charging Expenses to a Customer
- Setting Finance Charge Preferences
- Creating a Monthly Statement
- Setting Send Forms Preferences
- Tracking Accounts Receivable
- Receiving Payments for Invoices
- Issuing a Credit or Refund
- Receiving Cash
- Making Bank Deposits
- Receiving Advances, Retainers, and Down Payments
- Issuing Discounts
- Viewing the Open Invoices Report
- Creating a Collection Letter
- Recording Bad Debts
This chapter is from the book
Viewing the Open Invoices Report
How much is owed to your company and who owes it? This information is readily available on the Open Invoices report. This report shows the detail of all amounts due from every customer and job. Information on this report is grouped by customer and job.
Select Reports, Customers & Receivables, then select Open Invoices from the side menu.
Click the down arrow if you want to select a different method of sorting the report.
Click Print to print a paper copy of the report.
Double-click any amount to see the actual invoice.
Press Esc to close the report.