- Adding Media from Your Hard Drive
- Adding Media from Removable Media or a Removable Drive
- Switching Views
- Viewing Media Information
- Adding Comments and Descriptions to Media
- Cleaning Up the Media Panel in Icon View
- Using the Preview Area for a Quick Look at a Clip
- Setting the Clips Poster Frame
- Organizing Clips on the Media Panel
- Creating Folders and Subfolders in the Media Panel
- Adding Standard TV Media to the Media Panel
- Searching for a Media File
- Assembling Clips on the Timeline for a Rough Cut Edit
This chapter is from the book
Adding Standard TV Media to the Media Panel
Premiere Elements ships with a number of standard elements that you can add to your production as needed. These include a countdown (called a Universal Counting Leader); bars with a tone (similar to what is displayed when local stations go off the air); a color matte (just a block of any color of your choice); and black video.
Click the New Items button at the bottom of the Media panel, which looks a bit like a note pad.
Select the media you want to add from the drop-down list.
If you select the Universal Counting Leader, change any of the settings as needed and click OK.