- What's Covered in This Chapter
- Design Approach and Artifact Choices
- Free-Form Architecture Diagram
- From User Stories to Design
- Exploring Classes Using CRC Cards
- Application Flow Map (Homegrown Artifact)
- UML Class Diagram
- UML Package Diagram
- Directory Structure
- Sample File Names
- End-to-End Development Steps
- Acceptance Tests
- Other Considerations
- Summary
- Recommended Resources
This chapter is from the book
Other Considerations
As I mentioned earlier, we need to do just enough architecture and design to get us going. Although we did a reasonable amount of architecture and design in this chapter, there are a lot of things we haven't discussed yet but will in later chapters, such as the following:
- Application security— This will be covered in Chapters 7, "The Spring Web MVC Framerwork" and 10, "Beyond the Basics."
- Transaction management— This will be covered in Chapter 5. We will see how to programmatically implement transaction management using Hibernate.
- Exception handling— In Chapter 10 we will look at handled and unhandled exceptions and provide some guidance on when to use one versus the other.
- Other features— Features required for Time Expression such as scheduling jobs and sending emails will be covered in Chapter 10. Other topics also discussed in later chapters include logging, tag libraries, and more.