Editing Text with Microsoft Word
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Word-processing programs would be only be a slight improvement over typewriters if we couldn't use them to revise text. Indeed, the most valuable aspect of using Word is that you can quickly and painlessly edit text you've already typed. The skills you in this chapter—selecting (highlighting) text, deleting text, cutting and pasting text, undoing actions, and so on—form the foundation of everything else you'll do in Word.
This chapter is from the book
Word-processing programs would be only be a slight improvement over typewriters if we couldn't use them to revise text. Indeed, the most valuable aspect of using Word is that you can quickly and painlessly edit text you've already typed. The skills you learn here—selecting (highlighting) text, deleting text, cutting and pasting text, undoing actions, and so on—form the foundation of everything else you'll do in Word.
Editing Tools
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