11 Create a User Account
Windows XP provides the User Accounts window (accessed from the Control Panel), which allows you to create, edit, and delete user accounts. User accounts are managed using the administrative account created when Windows is initially installed on your system. To work through this task, make sure that you log on to Windows using the account name designated for the first user account on the computer.
Open Control Panel
Click the Start menu and then choose Control Panel.
Open the User Accounts Window
In the Control Panel, click the User Accounts icon. The User Accounts window opens; it provides you with the tools to create, edit, and delete user accounts. You can pick a task to access a particular tool or edit an existing account by clicking the icon for that account.
Create a New Account
In the User Accounts window, select the Create a new account task. A series of screens like a wizard will walk you through the process of creating the new accounts.
Name the User Account
In the first screen, type a name for the user account. The user account name can consist of 20 characters (uppercase, lowercase, or a combination including spaces). You cannot use these special characters:
“ / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >
After typing the account name click Next.
Select an Account Type
On the next screen, select an account type: Computer administrator or Limited. Computer administrator accounts have full control over the computer’s settings. Limited accounts have limited abilities to change settings and install software. Select the account type based on how much structure you believe the user for whom you are creating the account needs.
Complete the Account Creation Process
To finish the new account process and create the account, click Create Account. You return to the User Accounts window. A new icon appears on that screen, representing the newly created account.