Call to Action
Governance requires action. In fact, governance is action, equivalent to the sum of the behaviors that guide relationships between and among corporations and their constitute parts. While governance can sometimes be viewed as formal rules and procedures, there are things you as CIO can do tomorrow to shape your board’s view of IT governance. Some ideas for how to proceed follow:
Suggest a discussion on governance be placed on the board agenda to gain concurrence on your board’s thinking on the matter.
Have the wider definition of governance broadcast throughout the corporation.
Suggest that the wider definition of governance filter out to key customers and suppliers.
Arrange joint IT–company management discussions on vital business drivers to further business and IT alignment.
Start working with selected corporate departments (finance, manufacturing, sales, etc.) to start the process of ascertaining the business value of IT services, conducting a business impact analysis and initial service-level agreement discussions.
Secure an invitation to a meeting of the board of directors to report on the effectiveness of service-level agreements already in place within the corporation.
Join in discussions with fellow CIOs on the contribution governance makes to customer value and company profit.
In the end, governance is strongly oriented toward sustainability: ensuring that the corporation is successful today and positioned for tomorrow. Corporate governance, including IT governance, is simultaneously the scout and sentry on the frontier of company growth.