Using Your USP To Monetize Visitors
Besides selling your product or service, another way to monetize shoppers and customers is to sell adverting or sponsorships on your web site. But to do that, your site needs to attract a targeted audience. If your USP is confusing or ill-defined, you'll be hard-pressed to attract advertising dollars or recruit sponsors for your storefront.
Every advertiser is looking for the best bang for their buck, and that means promoting to a well-defined consumer base. If your USP is well defined, chances are very good that you can attract advertising revenue from your targeted base of customers. Advertising and sponsorships are not limited to your web site; you can also sell advertising or sponsorships to your email newsletters and promotional email.
Affiliate programs provide another way to monetize the traffic to your site—not just running an affiliate program, but joining others. A good USP can help you to choose the right affiliate programs to join and generate additional revenue for your storefront.