Do You Really Need All of This?
The business proposal discussed above represents a thorough approach. You do not need to include everything that has been listed. What you must put into your business proposal are the material and key elements about your business. If there are only two key employees, you do not need to list the top ten people. If you operate a service business, you don't need to discuss production problems. Your proposal does not have to describe all the minute details of the business. It does need to include those aspects of the business that any investor, including you, would want to know before investing in the business.
When you begin writing your business proposal, you should cover all of the foregoing aspects in detail. That means you will have a very large draft proposal. Once you have finished that draft, you should weed out the parts that do not add materially to the proposal. The main goal of the business proposal is to present the major aspects of the business and to avoid or merely touch on the nonmaterial aspects of the business.