- Instant Access
- Introduction to Novell Clients
- The Traditional Novell Client
- Installing the Client Software
- Removing the Client Software
- Installing from a Web Server
- Upgrading the Novell Client
- Novell Client Install Manager
- Novell Client Upgrade Agent
- Automatic Client Upgrade
- The Client Login
- Configuring the Client
- NetIdentity
- Other Novell Clients
- Native File Access
Introduction to Novell Clients
On a NetWare network, workstations traditionally use special Novell client software to access NetWare servers. (Workstations are often called clients because they request services from the network.) This client software enables the workstation to communicate with the network. However, NetWare OES continues Novell’s steady move away from a monolithic client, and toward clientless services and small service-specific clients. Web-based management, iFolder, iPrint, and Native File Access are just a few ways that NetWare OES enables you to move your network in this direction.
This doesn’t mean the Novell client is no longer necessary. The Novell client is still required for advanced authentication options and many administrative tasks associated with NetWare and Novell eDirectory. So, although you might not automatically install the Novell client on every workstation, you will still want to keep it around for several aspects of your network’s operation.
This chapter explains how to install and configure the traditional Novell client software. It also describes how to use the legacy ACU feature to simplify the process of upgrading numerous workstations to the latest OES NetWare client software and how to remove the client software, should that become necessary.
In addition to the traditional Novell client software, Novell offers other modular client pieces with OES NetWare. These include the NICI client, the NMAS client, and the NetIdentity client. This chapter presents overviews and installation procedures for these client pieces. This chapter also discusses Novell’s Native File Access, a clientless file access option for OES NetWare that can eliminate the need for the traditional NetWare client for some network users.