- Introduction
- Traditional Derivation of EM
- An Entropy Interpretation
- Doubly-Stochastic EM
- Concluding Remarks
3.4 Doubly-Stochastic EM
This section presents an EM-based algorithm for problems that possesses partial data with multiple clusters. The algorithm is referred to as as a doubly-stochastic EM. To facilitate the derivation, adopt the following notations:
X = {xt ∊ RD; t = 1,..., T } is a sequence of partial-data.
Z = {zt ∊ C; t = 1, . . . , T} is the set of hidden-states.
C = {C(1), . . . ,C(J)}, where J is the number of hidden-states.
Г = {γ(1)), . . . , γ(K)} is the set of values that xt can attain, where K is the number of possible values for xt.
Also define two sets of indicator variables as:
Using these notations and those defined in Section 3.2, Q(θ|θn) can be written as
If θ defines a GMMthat is, θ = {π(j), μ(j), then
3.4.1 Singly-Stochastic Single-Cluster with Partial Data
This section demonstrates how the general formulation in Eq. 3.4.1 can be applied to problems with a single cluster and partially observable data. Referring to Example 2 shown in Figure 3.3(b), let X = {x1, x2 x3, x4, y} = {1, 2, 3, 4, {5 or 6}} be the observed data, where y = {5 or 6} is the observation with missing information. The information is missing because the exact value of y is unknown. Also let z ∊ Г, where Г = {γ(1), γ(2)} = {5, 6}, be the missing information. Since there is one cluster only and x1 to x4 are certain, define θ ≡ {μ,σ2}, , set π(1) = 1.0 and write Eq. 3.4.1 as
Note that the discrete density p(y = γ((k)|y ∊ Г, θ) can be interpreted as the product of density p(y = γ(k)|y ∊ Г) and the functional value of p(y|θ) at y = γ(k) as shown in Figure 3.7.
Figure 3.7 The relationship between p(y|θ0), p(y|y ∊ Г), p(y|y ∊ Г, θ0), and P(y = γ(k) |y ∊ Г, θ0), where Г = {5, 6}.
Assume that at the start of the iterations, n = 0 and } = {0, 1}. Then, Eq. 3.4.2 becomes
In the M-step, compute θ1 according to
The next iteration replaces θ0 in Eq. 3.4.3 with θ1 to compute Q(θ|θ1). The procedure continues until convergence. Table 3.4 shows the value of μ and σ2 in the course of EM iterations when their initial values are μ0 = 0 and . Figure 3.8 depicts the movement of the Gaussian density function specified by μ and σ2 during the EM iterations.
Table 3.4. Values of μ and σ2 in the course of EM iterations. Data shown in Figure 3.3(b) were used for the EM iterations.
Iteration (n) |
Q(θ|θn) |
μ |
σ2 |
0 |
−∞ |
0.00 |
1.00 |
1 |
-29.12 |
3.00 |
7.02 |
2 |
-4.57 |
3.08 |
8.62 |
3 |
-4.64 |
3.09 |
8.69 |
4 |
-4.64 |
3.09 |
8.69 |
5 |
-4.64 |
3.09 |
8.69 |
Figure 3.8 Movement of a Gaussian density function during the EM iterations. The density function is to fit the data containing a single cluster with partially observable data.
3.4.2 Doubly-Stochastic (Partial-Data and Hidden-State) Problem
Here, the single-dimension example shown in Figure 3.9 is used to illustrate the application of Eq. 3.4.1 to problems with partial-data and hidden-states. Review the following definitions:
X = {x1, x2,..., x6, y1, y2} is the available data with certain {x1,..., x6} and uncertain {y1, y2} observations.
and such that y1 ∊ Г1 and y2 ∊ Г2 are the values attainable by y1 and y2, respectively.
J = 2 and K = 2.
Figure 3.9 Single-dimension example illustrating the idea of hidden-states and partial-data.
Using the preceding notations results in
where is the posterior probability that yt' is equal to given that yt' is generated by cluster C(j). Note that when the values of y1 and y2 are certain (e.g., it is known that y1 ═┴ 5, and and become so close that we can consider y2 = 9), then K = 1 and Г1 = {γ1} = {5} and Г2 = {γ2} = {9}. In such cases, the second term of Eq. 3.4.4 becomes
Replacing the second term of Eq. 3.4.4 by Eq. 3.4.5 and seting x7 = y1 and x8 = y2 results in
which is the Q-function of a GMM without partially unknown data with all observable data being certain.