- Advantages of HP Smart Array Controllers
- HP Array Controller Utilities
- Array Controller Technologies and Capabilities
- Summary
- Learning Check
13.2 HP Array Controller Utilities
HP provides several utilities that are used to configure, optimize, and troubleshoot HP Array controllers. These utilities include the following:
Array Diagnostics Utility (ADU)
Array Configuration Utility (ACU)
Array Configuration Utility XE (ACU XE)
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays (ORCA)
13.2.1 Array Diagnostics Utility
HP provides an ADU to help you quickly identify such problems as the following:
An incorrect version of firmware
Drives installed in the wrong order
Inappropriate error rates
A failed battery on the array accelerator board
The ADU displays a detailed analysis of the system configuration. If the cause of a problem is still not apparent, the ADU can generate a full report that administrators can fax or e-mail to HP customer service for phone support.
Beginning with HP SmartStart and Support Software Release 4.10, ADU 1.10 replaced the Drive Array Advanced Diagnostics (DAAD) utility. The DAAD utility is no longer included on the SmartStart CD and has not been updated to support current Smart Array controllers.
To run ADU properly, boot the system from the SmartStart CD and select ADU from the System Utilities screen.
13.2.2 Array Configuration Utility
The HP ACU, shown in Figure 13-1, allows both online local and remote management and configuration of an array through a browser. The ACU simplifies array configuration by providing an interface to the intelligent features of HP Smart Array controllers. The ACU can be started from within the supported operating system or from the HP SmartStart CD.
Figure 13-1 Array Configuration Utility interface.
ACU features include the following:
Configuration wizards for optimized array configurations
Express and custom initial configuration options
Easy reconfiguration through capacity expansion, logical drive extension, RAID-level migration, and stripe-size migration tools
Support for fault-tolerance RAID levels 0, 1, 1+0, 5, and RAID ADG
User-selectable stripe sizes
Variable cache read/write ratio and stripe size for tuning controller performance
Set drive rebuild and capacity expansion priorities
Online spare (hot spare) configuration
Separate fault tolerance configuration on a logical drive basis
Blinking drive tray LEDs for quick storage identification
ACU can manage all Smart Array controllers from one central location. It enables you to
Perform online array expansions.
Perform online logical drive capacity extensions.
Perform online RAID-level migrations.
Perform online stripe-size migrations.
Perform configuration using configuration wizards.
Perform drive and expansion priority changes.
Perform stripe-size selection.
Perform controller performance tuning through variable cache read/write ratios and stripe sizes.
Perform storage identification with blinking drive tray LEDs.
Configure online spares (hot spares).
Configure the array accelerator.
Configure RAID 0, 1, 1+0, 5, and ADG.
Configure separate fault tolerance on a logical drive basis.
Leverage express and custom initial configuration options.
ACU is compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and later.
After you display the ACU, the utility will automatically begin detecting the controllers that are installed on your system. Based on your type of controllers, the following options display:
Express Configuration Allows the ACU utility to set up the optimum configuration for the controller automatically
Assisted Configuration Enables you to configure the controllers using the Configuration Wizard manually
Advanced Configuration Enables you to configure the controller manually
Download the ACU from the ACU home page at http://h18004.www1.hp.com/products/servers/proliantstorage/software-management/acumatrix/index.html.
In most cases, all disk drives attached to a controller should be grouped into a single array. This configuration provides the most efficient use of RAID fault tolerance.
Using the ACU, you can assign physical drives to an array and designate up to four drives per array controller as online spares. All physical drives within an array should be the same size. If disks of higher capacity are installed within a single array, the extra capacity will not be available.
Up to 32 logical drives can be defined with any HP Smart Array controller. Some operating systems support fewer than 32 logical drives. LOCATION OF ARRAY CONFIGURATION DATA
When the array configuration is saved from ACU, the information is stored on the RAID information sector (RIS) on each hard drive. This allows replacement of computer components without losing data. A set of drives can also be moved from one machine to another without losing data.
Changes to logical volume structure and RAID level are often data-destructive.
13.2.3 Option ROM Configuration for Arrays
ORCA executes out of the option ROM that is located on an array controller, including on the RAID LC2 controller. It is designed for users who have minimal configuration requirements. During Power-On Self-Test (POST), any array controller that supports ORCA will provide a prompt to the computer system console as part of the initialization process.
If there are no configured logical drives on the array controller, this prompt waits 10 seconds before bypassing ORCA and continuing with POST. If any logical drives are configured, the prompt waits 5 seconds. When a HP RAID controller with ORCA support is installed in the system, the controller-based option ROM prompts during POST for 10 seconds.
Press the F8 key to start ORCA.
The main features of ORCA include the following:
Does not require disks or CDs to run
Can be started when the server is powering up
Creates, configures, and deletes logical drives
Configures controller order
Assigns an online spare for the created logical drives
Specifies RAID levels
Cannot set stripe size or controller settings
Only the newest HP Smart Array controller models support ORCA. All other HP Smart Array controllers only support ACU. The HP RAID LC2 controller can be configured with ORCA only.
ORCA does not support drive expansion, RAID-level migration, or setting the stripe size.