- Using eBay's Search Feature
- Fine-Tuning Your Search
- Searching for Bargains
Searching for Bargains
Okay, now you've learned lots of different ways to fine-tune your search results. But how do you use these tools to hunt down the best bargains on the eBay site? Read on to learn some bargain-hunting tricks, all using the basic search function.
Trick #66: Search for Misspellings
Member since 1998
Feedback: Purple star
This is one of the best tricks in the entire book, a surefire way to find bargains that others have overlooked. It's a simple method, really, that takes advantage of other users' mistakes.
You see, some eBay sellers aren't great spellersor are just prone to typing errors. Either they don't know how to spell a particular word, or they hit the wrong key by mistake. In either case, the result is an auction title with a misspelled worda Dell personal commuter, an Apple ipud, or even a jewel neklace.
The problem for these sellersand the opportunity for youis that when buyers search for an item (using the correct spelling), listings with misspellings don't appear in the search results. If potential bidders can't find the listings, they can't bid on them, leaving these misspelled listings with few if any bidders. If you can locate a misspelled listing, you can often snap up a real deal without competition from other bidders.
The key, of course, is figuring out how an item might be misspelled. Let's say you're looking for a bargain on a toaster. Instead of searching for toaster, you might search for toster, toastter, toastor, and toester. Give it a tryyou'll be surprised what you find!
And here's a trick within a trick. Including multiple misspellings in your search by using the "or" technique from Trick #62. In this example, you could enter the following query: (toaster,toaster,toastor,toester). Neat!
Trick #67: Vary Your Vocabularyand Your Spelling
Member since 1998
Feedback: Purple star
Misspelling aside, don't assume that everyone spells a given word the same wayor uses the same terminology. (A soda is a pop is a "coke," depending on what part of the country you're from.) Also, don't forget about synonyms. What you call pink, someone else might call mauve or salmon. What's big to you might be large to someone else. Think of all the ways the item you're looking for can be described, and include as many of the words as possible in an "or" query. To use our soda pop example, you'd enter the following query: (soda,pop,coke).
Trick #68: "Birddog" Other Bidders
Member since 1998
Feedback: Green star
Some eBay users are natural bargain hunters. So why reinvent the wheel? Find out what the best bargain hunters are bidding on, and you might be able to score a deal, too.
The term "birddogging" refers to the act of following the auctions of another eBay bidder. Find a user that always gets great merchandise, then birddog his or her other auction activity. Chances are you'll find something you like, and then you can get in on the bidding, too. As eBay member lludwig says:
People who bid on one great item often have very good taste, and bid on others.
To birddog another member, you first have to find him, which is as easy as looking at the high bidder in a particular auction. Once you have a member identified, it's time to do the actual birddogging, using eBay's search function. Go to the Search page and click the Items By Bidder link. When the Items by Bidder page appears (shown in Figure 3.7), enter the bidder's user ID and click the Search button. (For the most possible results, you should also select the Even if Not the High Bidder option.) The results page lists all the other auctions your subject is bidding on, which amounts to your own personal shopping list. Bid away!
3.7 Use the Search By Bidder function to birddog other users.
Trick #69: Search for Last-Minute Bargains
Member since 1998
Feedback: Purple star
When you search the eBay listings, be sure to display the results with auctions ending today listed first. Scan the list for soon-to-end items with no bids or few bids, and pick off some bargains that have slipped others' attention.
Trick #70: Different Day, Different Results
Member since 1998
Feedback: Purple star
Remember that new items are listed every day on eBay, and closed auctions are constantly removed from the listings. If you didn't find anything that matched your query today, try again tomorrow; you'll probably find a different list of items for sale.
Trick #71: Save Your Searches
Member since 1998
Feedback: Purple star
On the topic of repeating your searches, here's a trick that lets you save your favorite searches and repeat them with a click of the mouse.
eBay actually makes it quite easy to save even the most complex search queries, if you know what to click. All search results pages include an Add to Favorites link at the top right of the page. Click this link, and you'll see an Add to My Favorite Searches page. Check the Create a New Search option, give the search a name, and click the Save Search button. This search is now saved and listed on the All Favorites page of My eBay.
To repeat this search, go to My eBay and click through to the All Favorites page, as shown in Figure 3.8. Your favorite searches are listed there; just click a search to execute the search.
3.8 Repeat any saved search from the All Favorites page of My eBay.
Trick #72: Get Notification of New Items That Match Your Search
Member since 1998
Feedback: Purple star
Here's an even better way to find out about new items that you're interested in. eBay can automatically notify you when new items that match your saved search come up for auction.
All you have to do is navigate to the All Favorites page in My eBay and click the Edit Preferences link next to the search you want to be notified of. When the Favorite Searches: Preferences page appears, as shown in Figure 3.9, select the Email Me Daily option, then pull down the list and select a duration. (Your options are for the notification service to last anywhere from 7 days to 12 months.)
3.9 Configuring eBay to send you search notification emails.
When you've activated this notification service, eBay will send you an email (one a day) when new items that match your search criteria come up for auction. The email contains links for each new item in your search; click a link to open your Web browser and display the matching item.
Trick #73: Expand Your Search to eBay Stores
Member since 1998
Feedback: Purple star
If you can't find an item for auction on eBay proper, you can opt to search items listed for sale in eBay Stores. You can sometimes find items for sale in eBay Stores that you can't find in eBay's normal auctions. All you have to do is go to the Search page and click the Items in Stores link, then conduct your search from there.
You can also expand a normal search to include eBay Stores items. Just scroll to the bottom of any search results page until you see the box labeled Some of the Matching Items Found in Other eBay Areas (shown in Figure 3.10). Click the See Additional Buy It Now Items link and you'll see a list of matching items from eBay Stores sellers.
3.10 Expand your search to eBay Store sellers.