ClearCase Deployment: Modeling Your Configuration Management System
Bridging the CM Gaps
Building a bridge is one of the most fundamental ascents of mankind over nature. Few endeavors over the last 100 years have posed such risk while also providing such great utility, linking regions and communities otherwise locked away behind distance, and usually water. Without the vast systems of roads and bridges, humans would be forced to travel less efficiently, and society would be disjointed.
In the United States, for example, the development and success of two major geographic regions came about largely due to the building of bridges.
The island of Manhattan is surrounded by major waterways, including the East River, the Hudson River, New York Harbor, and the Harlem River. Before the development of our modern modes of transportation, travelers depended on boat and ferry servicebut this could be unreliable and even dangerous, particularly in winter, when weather often prevented boats of any size from crossing between Manhattan Island and the mainland. In these early days, the construction of a bridge was a major event, allowing remote communities to expand and extend themselves across an entire region. For Manhattan, the Brooklyn Bridge was the first major connector to the island, and it was quickly followed by a system of bridges. [1]
On the opposite side of the country, the communities of San Francisco and those in the North Bay shared the century-long dream of spanning the Golden Gate Strait, which is the entrance to the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. The strait, a treacherous body of water with currents ranging from 4.5 to 7.5 knots, is approximately three miles long by one mile wide. Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge commenced on January 5, 1933, with the bridge opening on May 28, 1937. [2]