This chapter has provided a general overview of Six Sigmathe key elements of the initiative and the key concepts, methods, and toolsand the tremendous opportunities for using Six Sigma to improve processes, functions, and organizations beyond the factory floor. An overview of the roles in Six Sigma was also provided. Now that you have a general idea of what Six Sigma is, its key uniqueness, and the roles of the players involved, you are in a position to consider the fundamental barrier to deploying Six Sigma: the common perception that "we're different," and therefore Six Sigma won't work here. As with most excuses, the belief that "we're different" does have a kernel of truth. Chapter 2 elaborates on what about the real economy really is different from manufacturing, what is really the same, and how to get beyond this issue. Process thinking and leadership are suggested as two key "antidotes" for this and other excuses.