The American Civil Liberties Union
Lots of information about this powerful organization, which champions the rights of individuals. Read about the issues that threaten our freedoms and rights and get on an alert list that warns you of events that threaten our liberties so you can participate. Learn about the latest legal cases in areas ranging from racial preferences to the separation of church and state. You can buy "liberty" items such as tote bags and T-shirts through the online store. For information on current civil rights issues and cases, no site is better than this!
Cato Institute
Dedicated to promoting the "traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets and peace," the Cato Institute seeks to inspire intelligent citizens to take a more active role in improving the United States government. This site provides information about the Cato Institute and its programs, events, experts, and publications.
Office of Civil Rights: U.S. Department of Education
Do you know your civil rights? You should, and with this site, there's no excuse for any citizen not to know his or her civil rights. This U.S. Department of Education site keeps you informed. Very easy to navigate.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
One of the premier sites dealing with electronically relayed free speech and press, it contains extensive material and global links covering this issue and is the origin of the Blue Ribbon icon of support for the cause. This site, which was started to promote free speech on the Internet, continues to address the most current threats to free speech, including antiterrorism and privacy issues that arose as a result of the 9/11 tragedy.
National Coalition Against Censorship
National Coalition Against Censorship is a group that fights for freedom of speech in the United States. Here, you can learn more about the coalition, read articles about cases and issues, and check up on action alerts.