Tomcat 4 Resources
You'll be happy to know that the little connection pool example, using MySQL and JNDI, works exactly the same under Tomcat 4. If you didn't install MySQL before, do it now, and unpack the JDBC distribution. Copy the MySQL JDBC jar to $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib.
Assuming you created a context descriptor file for the unleashed application under Tomcat 4, you can make the same edits to it as we did for the unleashed.xml file in Tomcat 5. Don't forget to put both the <Resource> and <ResourceParams> blocks in the file.
Lastly, create the JSP file, if you haven't already. Start up Tomcat 4 and point your browser to http://localhost:8080/unleashed/resources.jsp. As before, if you get an error page, go over the location and names of all your files.