- Introduction
- A Different Approach
- Strengths and Weaknesses of XFC
- Configuring Options
- Using Parameters
- Let the Conversions Begin
- Conclusion
Let the Conversions Begin
Let's assume that you have set up your conversion options. What now? It's time to start converting documents:
In the XML Input File field, type or select the name of the file to convert.
From the Transformation drop-down list, select the desired conversion.
Enter a directory path and name for the output file.
When ready, click the Convert button. The conversion should proceed smoothly, and within a few seconds to a few minutes (depending on the size and complexity of your file), you should have your output.
Figure 3 shows all of the sections of the main XFC window populated with information.
3 XFC ready to transform a document.
How quickly XFC performs the conversion depends on several factors:
Size of the file.
Complexity of the file. If it contains graphics, numerous tables, etc., the conversion takes longer.
Processing power and amount of memory in your computer.
If the conversion encounters problems, error messages appear in the Console section of the window. Failures are usually due to problems with the source document or with the XSLT stylesheet. (A discussion of the error messages that you may encounter is beyond the scope of this article.)
Once you have your output, you can open it in the appropriate viewerweb browser, Adobe Reader, or word processorand troubleshoot any formatting problems in the file. If all looks good, your output is ready for distribution, printing, or posting on the web.