Post-installation Tasks
After the new server has been restarted, it is nearly ready for production. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the last section of Deployment Manager defines post-installation tasks to be performed to ensure that the installation is complete and went smoothly. The options under Post-Installation Tasks are Install NetWare 6 Products, Use DSREPAIR to check NDS and Schema Status, and Install or Upgrade a Novell Cluster. The DSREPAIR option is very important to a successful installation, so we discuss it first.
Any time significant work is done involving the eDirectory database, it is a good idea to ensure that the directory is still in good working order. Recall that one of the preinstallation steps is also to run DSREPAIR; this ensures that any problems experienced after the installation were caused by the installation itself. The most common and most complete DSREPAIR selection is Unattended Full Repair. This selection performs all possible repair options that do not require user intervention and records the results in the DSREPAIR.LOG file in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. One of the beauties of DSREPAIR's design is that it can be run multiple times to correct errors that were found. For example, the first time you run DSREPAIR after an installation, it might find 14 errors that it needs to repair. If you run another repair right after the first, it might find only two errors, and running a third repair might clear all errors entirely. It is also recommended that you run Time Synchronization in DSREPAIR to ensure that the new server is in sync with the other servers on the network. Because replica synchronization relies heavily on accurate timestamps, it's essential that all servers participating in the tree be synchronized.
Installing NetWare 6 Products
Clicking Install NetWare 6 Products under Post-Installation Tasks in Deployment Manager launches the Installation Wizard, which displays a list of available servers. Select the server from the list and click Next. The Installation Wizard queries the server for installed components and displays a component list similar to the list presented during the installation. Change the selections for the NetWare 6 components as desired and click Next. To finalize and install your selection of NetWare 6 products, perform the following steps:
After the Installation Wizard validates the component request and you respond to any configuration requirements, the list of components to be installed is displayed (see Figure 3.11). The Installation Wizard allows you to customize the component installations before you execute the process. To access this feature, click Customize.
3.11 You can select individual components for installation.
The next screen displays a tree of the selected components. Selecting a specific component in the left pane displays its configuration options in the right pane. Although many components have specific settings that can be configured, some do not. For example, SMS has settings for how SMS is handled in the eDirectory tree. NetWare Remote Manager, on the other hand, cannot be configured. For the most part, the options available on the objects that support configuration are rather limited and generally should not be changed from the defaults. After you change the configuration options for the components, click Finish. The component files and settings are copied to the server and configured based on the information provided.
Launching the Installation Wizard from a workstation is not the only method for adding components to a NetWare server installation. In fact, because the installation process launched through Deployment Manager is designed primarily for facilitating the initial server setup, it has been known to inaccurately report what components are currently installed when you're adding or removing items. The other options are handled at the file server console, which means that the installation CD-ROM must be mounted as a volume or copied to a directory on one of the server's existing volumes. In the GUI console interface, click the Novell icon to display the menu and select Install. This launches a server-based version of the Installation Wizard. You are still required to log in to the server and select the applications to manage. The interface is slightly different than the Windows implementation. To remove a product from the server, select it in the list and click Remove. Unlike with the Windows interface, you cannot change component settings in the server-based Installation Wizard. The other alternative is to use NWCONFIG to manage the NetWare components. After you launch NWCONFIG, select product options, and then select View/Configure/Remove Installed Products. The list of installed components is displayed, allowing you to make adjustments as desired.
Installing or Upgrading a Novell Cluster
Clicking the last option in the Installation Wizard launches the Novell Cluster Services for NetWare 6 Installation Wizard. Clusters are covered in great detail in Chapter 10, "High-Availability NetWare," so they are just touched on here to complete the discussion of Deployment Manager.
A cluster is a group of two or more interconnected computers that share resources to provide redundant, high-availability network services. Servers in a cluster share their processing power and storage to ensure that client requests are filled as quickly and as securely as possible. The standard NetWare 6 package includes a two-server license of NCS, which you can expand to a maximum of 32 servers in a cluster by purchasing additional licenses from Novell. The Novell Cluster Services Installation Wizard begins by asking whether you are installing a new cluster or upgrading an existing cluster. From there, the first options are similar to those in other installations: You can provide the name of the cluster and its location in the eDirectory tree and then identify the servers that will make up the cluster. Because a cluster acts as a single unit, it has its own IP address. This address is separate from and must be unique from the IP addresses of the servers in the cluster. The last few steps of the wizard allow you to select the partitions on each cluster member that will be shared with the cluster, provide the license for the cluster, and start the service.