J2ME MIDP suffered the early slings and arrows of competitors and critics and now appears poised to become the dominant mobile computing platform. All Java platforms are birthed with a built-in advantage based on the millions of Java developers out there building J2SE and J2EE applications, and J2ME has managed to leverage that experience to quickly move to the forefront of the wireless platform field.
MIDP 2.0 solves a great many of the issues originally identified with the 1.0 release while maintaining the small footprint and extreme portability of its predecessor. All MIDP 1.0 licensees have stated plans to begin developing MIDP 2.0 devices, so expect to see them in general availability in 2004.
To begin working with MIDP 2.0 today, the latest version of Sun's Java Wireless Toolkit with J2ME MIDP 2.0 support can be freely downloaded today. For more information on all J2ME technologies, visit