From the NAPP Help Desk
The National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) offers e-mail assistance to its members. Here is some advice from the NAPP Help Desk related to issues in this chapter.
Character Check
I've established presets for my type tools using the Options Bar, but when I actually try to add type to an image by using the presets, the text is distorted. What's the problem?
It's a good idea to have the Character and Paragraph palettes open when establishing presets. The settings there are included in the preset, whether the palette is visible or not. It sounds as though the character height and width were not set to 100% when you created your presets. Every field and button in each of the two palettes is also recordable in a preset, including the spell check dictionary.
Adjusting Line Spacing
I've changed the leading for a line of type, but don't see any change. What's wrong?
Make sure you've selected the entire line of typeit's not enough to simply click in a word. If you're reducing the leading, it's also very important that you select the entire line of type. Just one letter at the higher leading setting forces the whole line to that value.
Typographic Terminology
Leading? Kerning? Ascenders? Descenders? Where can I learn more about all these technical terms?
The CD that came with this book includes some nifty extras. Among them you'll find a PDF document called A Typography Primer, which is a glossary of typographic terminology. The anatomy of type and various layout terms are explained.
Dictionary Backup
Having read that I can't go into Photoshop's spell checking dictionaries and delete words, I'm afraid to use the Add button. Any ideas?
Always an idea! Start a text document in your favorite word processor. Type in all the words that you want to add to Photoshop's dictionary. Check them carefully, and then use the Select All command and copy them. Open a document in Photoshop. Select the Type tool, drag a type container in the document, and then paste. (It doesn't matter if the text exceeds the container size.) Now run the spell checker and click the Add button to put these terms into the dictionary. (If you work in multiple languages, make sure you're adding the terms to the correct dictionary.)
Save the document for future use, just in case you need to reinstall Photoshop or replace the dictionaries. You can add to or subtract from the word processing document as much as you'd like. If you have to remove words from the dictionary, follow these steps:
Put the Photoshop 7 CD into your drive.
Start the Installer.
Elect to do a Custom install rather than an Easy install.
In the Installer, choose to reinstall only the dictionaries (see Figure 11.38).
After the dictionaries have been reinstalled, repeat the process described earlier to add your custom terms to the dictionary.
11.38 The Custom install options for Mac and Windows are shown. Note that
in the Mac installer, the dictionaries are not part of Type Support.