Need to Know More?
Mulligan, John P., Solaris 8 Essential Reference, (New Riders, Indianapolis, IN, 2001).
Sobell, Mark G., A Practical Guide to Solaris (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999).
Sun Microsystems, System Administration Guide: Basic Administration. Available in printed form on the Web at and from the online documentation provided with the Solaris 9 operating system.
Sun Microsystems, System Reference Manual, Section 1User Commands. Available in printed form, on the Web at and from the online documentation provided with the Solaris 9 operating system.
Sun Microsystems, System Reference Manual, Section 1MSystem Administration Commands. Available in printed form, on the Web at, and from the online documentation provided with the Solaris 9 operating system.
Sun Microsystems, System Reference Manual, Section 4File Formats, is available in printed form, on the Web at, and from the online documentation provided with the Solaris 9 operating system.