The Certified Technical Trainer certification has actually been around for some time, and was formerly the property of The Chauncey Group (a subsidiary of the Educational Testing Service, or ETS). CompTIA acquired this program from Chauncey in mid-2001. The CTT+ is a credential that combines a formal examination with a lengthy and detailed application form to document a candidate’s classroom training history and experience, and also requires a video submission to demonstrate a candidate’s classroom teaching ability. This certification costs around $500, but is a bargain at that price.
Because the CTT+ is so widely accepted in lieu of other, proprietary “train the trainer” credentials—the list of companies that accept the CTT+ as an alternative to their own trainer certifications includes Microsoft, Novell, and Sun, among numerous other organizations—and often costs less than proprietary alternatives, it qualifies as a kind of “best buy” credential for technical trainers. Highly recommended for those who wish to make a living as IT trainers. For more information, please visit