Analog Electronics: Common-Source Amplifier Stage
Two types of common-source amplifiers will be investigated in lab projects. One is with the source grounded and the other is with a current-source bias (dual power supply). In Units 5.1 and 5.2 we discuss various aspects of the common-source stage with grounded source, in Unit 5.3 we take up circuit-linearity considerations, and in Unit 5.4 we cover the basics of the dual-power-supply amplifier. Both amplifiers are based on the PMOS, as in the projects. The first two units are mostly a review of the basic amplifier as presented in previous units, to reinforce the basic concepts. The PMOS replaces the NMOS (Units 2 and 4) in this unit, to provide familiarity with the opposite polarity in bias considerations and to illustrate that the linear model applies in the same manner for both transistor types.
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