1.6 Organization
Here's what you'll find in this book, chapter by chapter.
1.6.1 Part I: Foundations
Chapter 1: Introduction. The usual introductory fluff. Contains the sentence you are now reading, plus those that immediately precede and follow it.
Chapter 2: The Example Application. Introduces the application that will be used throughout the book. The actual code listings for the application are in the Appendix, to avoid making the chapter too dense. Includes coverage of object design, JavaBeans, and the Strategy and Singleton design patterns.
Chapter 3: The Layered Application. Reworks the example application to make it more suitable for evolving into the various architectural models to be covered. Separates interface from implementation. Creates an Application Layer, a Presentation Layer, and a Persistence Layer within the application. Introduces Model-View-Controller architecture. Covers the Factory pattern and an idiom for handling enumerated types.
1.6.2 Part II: Web Applications
Chapter 4: Introduction to Presentation Architecture. Covers the basic types of presentation typically used: textual interfaces, graphical interfaces, Web-browser interfaces, and Web Services. Provides a brief introduction to HTML, HTTP, and XML as background for the chapters that follow.
Chapter 5: Servlets. Several example servlets are created. Basic servlet APIs are introduced. The example application is altered to behave more dynamically, allowing concurrent access by multiple users. New capabilities are added to the example application. Advanced servlet topics are briefly discussed.
Chapter 6: JavaServer Pages. JSPs are explored as a replacement for servlets. Various methods of embedding Java code in a Web page are examined, including scriptlets, expressions, and declarations. The ugliest ways of writing JSP code are demonstrated for your amusement.
Chapter 7: Integrating JavaServer Pages with JavaBeans and Servlets. Sanity is restored as large chunks of Java code are excised from JSPs and placed in more suitable locations, including JavaBeans and servlets. Making JSPs work well with other code is the focus. Custom Tag Libraries are covered, including the Standard Tag Library and an application-specific tag library that we'll create.
Chapter 8: Struts. The Struts framework is part of the Jakarta project from the Apache Group. The Struts framework is introduced and used to create an example showing servlets, JavaBeans, JSPs, and custom tag libraries all used in a single application. This is the culmination of the discussion of servlets and JavaServer Pages.
Chapter 9: Web Presentation via XML and XSLT. This is the first of several chapters to cover XML topics. The Document Object Model (DOM) and JDOM are used to create an XML document on the fly. Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformation (XSLT) is used to convert the XML document to HTML format. The JAXP API is covered. The Apache Xalan and Xerces XML packages are used to parse and transform XML documents.
Chapter 10: Using XML with Wireless Clients. Introduces WML and XHTML, the XML-based languages used for marking up content for wireless devices. Shows how a servlet could detect the client device type and send the appropriately formatted content.
1.6.3 Part III: Distributed Objects and Web Services
Chapter 11: Introduction to Distributed Objects and Web Services. An introduction to technologies used for distributed object applications (RMI and JMS) and Web Services (JAXM and JAX-RPC). Discusses the various models typically used to build distributed applications. Introduces the topic of Web Service security.
Chapter 12: The Java Message Service. Introduces the concept of Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM), and specifically the Java Message Service (JMS). Features of JMS are described along with several deployment scenarios. A new service is created, which sends messages to our example application triggering data updates. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is also introduced, since it is the mechanism by which clients of the JMS locate the JMS server.
Chapter 13: XML Messaging: SOAP and JAXM. The discussion of MOM continues with a look at the SOAP standard for XML-encoded messages. A Java implementation of SOAP, the Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM), is introduced. The JMS examples from the previous chapter are reworked to use SOAP messages via JAXM. These examples provide the best prototype yet of a true Web Service.
Chapter 14: Parsing and Manipulating XML. With a true Web Service now serving XML content, focus turns to XML parsing. Parsing XML messages such as a Web Service returns is demonstrated using DOM, SAX, and JDOM. The new Java API for XML Binding (JAXB), which provides conversion capabilities between XML documents and Java classes, is shown.
Chapter 15: Remote Method Invocation (RMI). The use of Java RMI to build distributed object applications is demonstrated. New server and client classes are created to work in the remote environment. The ObjectFactory paradigm is extended for creating non-local objects.
Chapter 16: Building a Web Service with JAX-RPC. Just as JMS was followed by XML-based messaging, RMI is followed by XML-based procedure calls. The Java API for XML Remote Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC) is introduced. SOAP-based RPC is shown as an alternative to Java RMI, and the example programs from the previous chapter are adapted accordingly.
Chapter 17: Describing, Publishing, and Finding Web Services. An introduction to Web-Service registries. The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is introduced and examples based on our Web Service are shown. The functions of registries and repositories are covered, and then UDDI and ebXML are shown as specific examples. Utility software for dealing with WSDL and registries is demonstrated, including HP Service Composer, HP Registry Composer, and BEA's UDDI Explorer.
Chapter 18: Clients for JAX-RPC Web Services. Illustrates the three primary types of clients for JAX-RPCbased Web Services: static clients that access the service via stubs, clients that access the service via dynamic proxies, and clients that use the Dynamic Invocation Interface.
1.6.4 Part IV: Enterprise JavaBeans
Chapter 19: Session Beans. An introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans. The various interfaces supported by EJBs are introduced. Stateless and Stateful session beans are introduced. An example is built using a Stateless Session Bean that replaces the servlet-based implementations used in previous examples. Various options for building and deploying EJBs are covered, including EJB-JAR files and Enterprise ARchive (EAR) files.
Chapter 20: Message-Driven Beans. The new (in EJB 2.0) Message-Driven Bean capability is introduced. An example bean is developed to consume JMS messages from the example server developed in Chapter 12. Using references in the deployment descriptor to assemble an application from multiple beans is demonstrated.
Chapter 21: Entity Beans. Entity Beans are examined as a way of providing persistence for application data. Bean-Managed and Container-Managed Persistence are introduced, and an EJB using Container-Manager Persistence is created. The EJB Query Language (EJB-QL) is used to implement a finder method for the bean.
Chapter 22: A Look Back, a Look Ahead. Includes a brief recap of some of the themes that have emerged through the course of the book. Then, a look at how the standards and APIs are evolving, and what is known and expected for upcoming releases of J2EE and JAX APIs.