Creating Text Objects
Okay, it's time to get down to the nitty-gritty of using LiveMotion to set type. The first thing to remember is that type is treated as an object. In other words, it has all the elements that any other object created in LiveMotion has.
This primarily means that type that is set in LiveMotion and saved in native format is vector-based. It can therefore be resized and manipulated in various ways.
Task: Creating a Text Object
To create a simple text object, follow these steps:
Select File, New to create a canvas. Adjust the canvas size to your liking.
Click the Type tool found in the toolbox and click on the canvas (see Figure 3.16).
Type the text you want to set as an object. Don't worry about size or other properties right now; we'll get to that in a moment.
Compare your results to mine in Figure 3.17. Yours will probably look different depending on the canvas and type size. You may have to adjust the type size to fit it onto the canvas, or vice versa.
Figure 3.16 The Type tool, selected.
Figure 3.17 My text object is set.
Make sure that the canvas size is appropriate to the type you're trying to set, or you may end up having to modify the type size. It's easier to create a larger canvas and crop down than to try to scrunch the type to fit your small canvas. If the canvas is large enough, the object's corner handles will be completely visible when the object is selected.