Message Passing Interface
The Sun message passing interface (Sun MPI) component is an optimized version of the industry standard message passing interface communication library. The following list contains the main features of the Sun MPI library:
Multithreaded programming
64-bit safe, thread safe, and trace normal form (TNF) versions of the library
Multiple protocols
Clusters of symmetric multiprocessing machines (64 nodes and 2048 processes)
Sun remote shared memory (RSM) protocol over the next-generation Sun interconnect
MPI-2 standard compliant
One-sided communication within a single node
MPI_Comm_spawn functionality of the MPI-2 standard to support the multiple-program multiple-data (MPMD) model
The Sun MPI I/O software provides parallel I/O capabilities for message passing programmers and supports all of the MPI I/O routines defined in the MPI-2 standard. The Sun MPI I/O API also supports both UNIX file systems and Sun PFS software.
Sun Prism™ Software Graphical Programming Environment
The Sun Prism software environment currently provides support for the following major features:
Multiprocess and multithread programs in 32-bit and 64-bit environments
MPI performance analysis using the Solaris Operating Environment trace normal form
Data visualization
Debugging of MPI codes that use the MPI_comm_spawn functionality of the MPI-2 standard
Scalable Scientific Subroutine Libraries
The Sun scalable scientific subroutine libraries (Sun S3L) is a thread-safe parallel math library that contains a set of parallel and scalable routines widely used in scientific computing. The Sun S3L uses the Sun performance library (libsunperf) and provide local and global utilities for MPI applications. The performance library is part of the Sun WorkShop™ software development tools. The functions added in the Sun HPC ClusterTools 4 software (Sun S3Ls version 4.0) are as follows:
Additional solvers and utilities for sparse systems
Support for linear programming and optimization
Functions for calculating equity option pricing
Additional transforms (Walsh, sine, cosine)
Support for additional subroutines (Cholesky, QR)
Optimizations for UltraSPARC III processors