Defining Your Groove Contact
When you created your Groove account, you automatically created a contact vCard to be associated with your Groove identity.
A vCard file uses a standard file format for an electronic business card. Traditional vCard files have a .vcf extension; Groove vCards have a .vcg extension.
Initially, your Groove vCard is blank except for your identity name. To see your vCard, select GoTo, My Account, and then select the Identities panel (see Figure 3.1).
3.1 A Groove vCard is initially blank except for the identity name.
Now it's up to you to decide what information about yourself you want to make available either in public directories (if you decide to list your contact) or to people to whom you give your contact. Keep in mind that others might find this information useful for distinguishing who you are. For example, if your name is John Smith, you might want to add some information to help others distinguish you from the other dozens of John Smiths!
Click Edit on the Identities panel to open the Edit Identity dialog box (see Figure 3.2). Enter the information you want to make available on the Business and Personal tabs.
3.2 Enter the information you want to make available in the Edit Identity
dialog box.
Groove requires you to include a valid email address in your vCard to use its automated feature for emailing your contact information to other people. You'll learn about this feature later in this lesson. You can change any of the information you list in your vCard at any time, and Groove automatically updates it for everyone who has your contact. Figure 3.3 shows an edited vCard.
3.3 You can edit your Groove vCard at any time.