- What Is ActionScript?
- What ActionScript Can and Can't Do
- Variables
- Objects and Object-Oriented Scripting
- Object and Frame Actions
- Dot Syntax
- Properties
- Methods
- Events and Event Handlers
- Functions
- Conclusion
What Is ActionScript Good For?
Here's some of what you can do using ActionScript:
Create multiplayer games.
Create engaging, user-aware navigation.
Send data to middleware, like PHP and Cold Fusion.
Create and parse XML objects.
Allow for a more responsive Web site.
Make your site more accessible to readers.
Make your site more international in scope (Flash MX supports Unicode).
Communicate with JavaScript.
About a billion other things. You'll see.
What ActionScript Can't Do
ActionScript can't talk directly to a databaseyou'll still need to use middleware, like PHP, Cold Fusion, or ASP, to do that.
ActionScript can't access the Window or Document objects that JavaScript can.
You can't use exception handling with try, throw, or catch.