Why can't buttons be made selectable?
To be selectable, the user should be able to click on the item and change its appearance. A button will change its appearance while it is clicked but will always revert to the up state when the click is complete.
Can the third method of using hitTestthe one that includes a true as the third parameter so that the shape of the movie clip is taken into accountbe used to more accurately determine whether the user has clicked a movie clip?
Certainly. As a matter of fact, you should use the third parameter so that the click area of a movie clip is defined by its shape rather than its rectangle.
Many examples in this hour use nearly identical scripts applied to several movie clips. Is there a better way to do this?
Yes and no. By the time you finish this book, you will be good enough to use root level functions to take over much of the work done by each movie clip script. But you will usually still need to start with the onClipEvent handlers attached to each movie clip. These handlers will then call root level functions that appear once in your movie instead of repeating lines of code in each movie clip script.
How can I expand on the matching game?
You can build up the matching game to become a deep educational or computer-based training game. However, you will probably want to go through the rest of this book first and become more confident at ActionScript programming first.