Oath of an Admin
I propose that companies require their network administrators take a technical oath based loosely on the Hippocratic Oath, to protect and serve the organization's best interest. Here's what I have in mind:
I swear to fulfill to the best of my abilities and judgment this covenant. I will respect the work of the technicians that have gone before me and share the knowledge that I have gained for those that come after me.
I will apply for the well-being, benefit, and good of my organization all measurements that are required to support, implement, and maintain these technologies.
I will remember that there is an art, as well as a science, to technology. I will remember that personality, warmth, sympathy, and empathy may outweigh any technical implementation my abilities allow.
I will not be ashamed to say, "I know not." I will not be ashamed to call for my colleagues when the skill of another is needed for a project's success.
I will respect the privacy of my clients, their work, their email, and their electronic records. My duties as a network administrator are to administer the network and technology without interfering, investigating, or intruding into the work of the clients I support.
I will remember that I do not actually care for a network, implement technology, or administer bits and bytes; but ultimately support a collection of individuals whose careers may be dependent on my abilities as a professional. My responsibilities are great, but I must not play God.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life. May I be respected while I serve and be remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act with the good of my organization and its employees in mind.