Switching Between Programs
You often work with more than one type of program at the same time. Windows XP enables you to quickly switch from one program to another. For example, you might want to review sales figures in a worksheet while at the same time creating a sales report in a word processing program. Switching between programs enables you not only to view data from several sources but also to share data among programs.
If the program doesn't start, you might not have double-clicked quickly enough. You must keep the mouse pointer in the same location and click twice. Sometimes beginners click, move, click the mouse, and this won't work. If you continue to have problems with clicking, change the mouse speed. See Chapter 15 for more information.
As mentioned, when you start a program, a button for that program is displayed in the taskbar. To switch to another program, simply click the button for that program. That program becomes the active program. For example, in Figure 3.5, Outlook Express is open as well as WordPad. You can tell that WordPad is the current program because its button is darkened. To switch to Outlook Express, click its button.
Figure 3.5 The taskbar buttons display the document and program name for each open program and window.