Categories of Testing Tools
A number of different types of automated and manual testing tools are required to support an automated testing framework. Marick has categorized them in a manner that makes sense because it is based on when and how they are used during testing (5).
Test Design Tools. Tools that are used to plan software testing activities. These tools are used to create test artifacts that drive later testing activities.
Static Analysis Tools. Tools that analyze programs without machines executing them. Inspections and walkthroughs are examples of static testing tools.
Dynamic Analysis Tools. Tools that involve executing the software in order to test it.
GUI Test Drivers and Capture/Replay Tools. Tools that use macrorecord-ing capabilities to automate testing of applications employing GUIs.
Load and Performance Tools. Tools that simulate different user load conditions for automated stress and volume testing.
Non-GUI Test Drivers and Test Managers. Tools that automate test execution of applications that do not allow tester interaction via a GUI.
Other Test Implementation Tools. Miscellaneous tools that assist test implementation. We include the MS Office Suite of tools here.
Test Evaluation Tools. Tools that are used to evaluate the quality of a testing effort.
Appendix B is a list of automated testing terms and definitions included for your convenience.