- Online Organizers, Anyone?
- Personal Online Organizer Access
- Shared Online Organizer Access
- While You're Online...
- One Source Fits All Needs
While You're Online...
Also, as long as you're online and looking for contact information, we thought we'd also share some good general resources we uncovered while looking for online organizer information. These resources permit look-ups in public databases, and can be quite handy when tracking down companies or individuals for whom contact or address information may not be handy or otherwise available:
A good compendium of online phonebooks is available at http://www.computertophone.com/#phonebook.
http://www.switchboard.com provides ready access to nationwide white and yellow pages directories online.
Most major search enginesfor example, Yahoo! in its People Search (http://people.yahoo.com) and Yellow Pages (http://yp.yahoo.com) linksinclude geographically driven access to white and yellow pages listings.
Recognizing area codes can help when fielding phone calls. Visit http://www.myrateplan.com/areacode/?source=over or http://www.mmiworld.com/codelist.htm for useful information.