Adding Color to Your Table
There are several places you can add color to your table:
A background color for a table cell or group of cells
A background color for the entire table
A border color for a table cell or group of cells
A border color for the entire table
Figure 12.11 shows where the different borders are located. Cell properties always have priority over the same properties in the table. For instance, if you applied blue as the table background color and then applied red to an individual cell, the one cell would be red and all the other cells would be blue. Set the table background and table border in the Property inspector. The Brdr Color sets the border color of the entire table.
Figure 12.11 Adding colors in the Property inspector controls the table border and table background color attributes.
You can add a background image to a table cell or an entire table. Enter the URL for a background image in the box labeled Bg in the Property inspector. You need to enter a pixel value in the Border size property to see a border. If you are applying colors and don't see the border, you may have the border size set to zero. Set the cell background and cell border colors in the Property inspector with a cell or group of cells selected.
Did you notice the small representation of the table in the lower left corner of the Property inspector? This little table shows what cells you have selected: a single cell, a row, or a column. The words cell, row, and column appear to the right of this little table.