Maintaining Quality
There is a strong correlation between the actual and the perceived quality of service for Internet commerce (Bouch, et al., 2000). That is, if quality is a design goal, the subjective perception of users will be one of quality. Here is a set of design points that Web owners and designers should consider when their goal is to enhance a site's quality.
Make sure that contact information is prominently placed.
Make the customer service button or link highly visible.
Provide for personalization on the site.
Ask users to submit feedback and provide user reviews of services and products.
Make sure that content is frequently updated with date of revision visible.
Indicate "new" for new information.
Include a statement guaranteeing the quality of service.
Base design and service on user testing and market research should be the basis of design and service.
Make sure that site pages, particularly receipts and confirmations, are easy to print.
Perform continual reviews to look for and eliminate dangling links.
Identify and incorporate on a continuing basis relevant new technology.