- Components and Automation
- Creating a Drawing with Visual Basic
- More About Components
- Method, Property, and Event Matrices
- Summing Up
Method, Property, and Event Matrices
The matrices shown in Figures 1-6 and 1-7 are the first of 10 sets that designate all the methods, properties, and events belonging to the objects treated in their respective chapters. The matrices for this chapter include the General methods and properties belonging to the objects discussed above.
Figure 1-6 General Methods
Figure 1-7 General Properties
As a graphic aid to finding detailed information pertaining to each method and property, the left-hand column of each matrix contains a bullet if the item is treated in that chapter. From there it should be relatively easy to locate the item based on the object or objects to which it belongs. (All events are discussed in Chapter 13.)
To make it easy to follow the inheritance of objects in the object model, different symbols are used to designate methods and properties belonging to major subclasses of IAcadObject. A solid bullet (l) indicates that a method or property is provided by the interface supporting that specific object. Table 1-1 provides descriptions of the symbols used.
Hidden methods or properties are those that are marked as such in the AutoCAD type library and therefore do not normally appear in the VBA object browser. Methods and properties suppressed by AutoCAD appear in the object browser but cannot actually be invoked upon those objects. The best example of this is the Delete method, which is inherited from the IAcadObject interface but cannot be used with any of the intrinsic AutoCAD collections because they cannot be deleted.
In Figure 1-6 you can clearly see the beginning of the inheritance from IAcadObject to IAcadEntity and IAcadDimension.
Symbol Interface Name or Description Locally defined method or property IacadBlock IAcadDimension IAcadEntity IAcadObject IAcadPlotConfiguration IAcadBlockReference IAcadDatabase IAcadIdPair IAcadState Hidden method or property Method or property suppressed by AutoCADTable 1-1 Matrix Symbols