Other SVG DOM Interfaces
This section describes SVG DOM objects other than those that relate to the basic graphic shape elements and that relate to topics discussed earlier in this chapter.
The SVGGradientElement Object
Three SVG DOM objects are directly related to the linearGradient and radialGradient elements: the SVGGradientElement object, the SVGLinearGradientElement object, and the SVGRadialGradientElement object.
The SVGGradientElement object has the properties and methods of the SVGElement object (described in Chapter 2), the SVGURIReference object, the SVGExternalResourcesRequired object, the SVGStylable object, and the SVGUnitTypes object.
The SVGGradientElement object has the following constants associated with it:
SVGGradientElement.SVG_SPREADMETHOD_UNKNOWNThis constant is of type short and has a value of 0.
SVGGradientElement.SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PADThis constant is of type short and has a value of 1.
SVGGradientElement.SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECTThis constant is of type short and has a value of 2.
SVGGradientElement.SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEATThis constant is of type short and has a value of 3.
The SVGGradientElement object has the following properties:
gradientUnitsof type SVGAnimatedEnumeration
gradientTransformof type SVGAnimatedTransformList
spreadMethodof type SVGAnimatedEnumeration
The SVGGradientElement object has no specific methods.
The SVGLinearGradientElement Object
The SVGLinearGradientElement object is the DOM representation of the linearGradient element. The SVGLinearGradientElement object has the properties of the SVGGradientElement, plus the following properties:
x1of type SVGAnimatedLength
y1of type SVGAnimatedLength
x2of type SVGAnimatedLength
y2of type SVGAnimatedLength
The SVGLinearGradientElement object has no methods specific to it.
The SVGPaint Object
The SVGPaint object has the properties and methods of the SVGColor object (which is described in Chapter 4).
The SVGPaint object has the following constants associated with it:
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_UNKNOWNThe constant is of type short and has a value of 0.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_RGBCOLORThe constant is of type short and has a value of 1.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_RGBCOLOR_ICCCOLORThe constant is of type short and has a value of 2.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONEThe constant is of type short and has a value of 101.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_CURRENTCOLORThe constant is of type short and has a value of 102.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_NONEThe constant is of type short and has a value of 103.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_CURRENTCOLORThe constant is of type short and has a value of 104.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_RGBCOLORThe constant is of type short and has a value of 105.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_RGBCOLOR_ICCCOLORThe constant is of type short and has a value of 106.
SVGPaint.SVG_PAINTTYPE_URIThe constant is of type short and has a value of 107.
In addition, the SVGPaint object has the following properties:
paintTypeof type unsigned short
uriof type DOMString
The SVGPaint object has the following methods:
setUri(uri)The method returns a value of type void. The uri argument is of type DOMString.
setPaint(paintType,uri,rgbColor,iccColor)The method returns a value of type void. The paintType argument is of type unsigned short; the uri, rgbColor, and iccColor arguments are of type DOMString.
The SVGPatternElement Object
The SVGPatternElement object is the SVG DOM representation of the pattern element. The properties of the SVGPatternElement object correspond closely to the attributes of the pattern element.
The SVGPatternElement object has the properties and methods of the SVGElement object, the SVGURIReference object, the SVGTests object, the SVGLangSpace object, the SVGExternalResourcesRequired object, the SVGStylable obect, the SVGFitToViewBox object, and the SVGUnitTypes object.
In addition, the SVGPatternElement object has the following properties:
patternUnitsof type SVGAnimatedEnumeration
patternContentUnitsof type SVGAnimatedEnumeration
patternTransformof type SVGAnimatedTransformList
xof type SVGAnimatedLength
yof type SVGAnimatedLength
widthof type SVGAnimatedLength
heightof type SVGAnimatedLength
The SVGPatternElement object has no methods specific to it.
The SVGRadialGradientElement Object
The SVGRadialGradientElement object is the DOM representation of the radialGradient element. The SVGRadialGradientElement object has the properties of the SVGGradientElement, plus the following properties:
cxof type SVGAnimatedLength
cyof type SVGAnimatedLength
rof type SVGAnimatedLength
fxof type SVGAnimatedLength
fyof type SVGAnimatedLength
The SVGRadialGradientElement object has no methods specific to it.
The SVGStopElement Object
The SVGStopElement object has the properties and methods of the SVGElement object and the SVGStylable object.
In addition, the SVGStopElement object has the following property:
- offsetof type SVGAnimatedNumber
The SVGStopElement object has no methods specific to it.
The SVGSwitchElement Object
The SVGSwitchElement object has the properties and methods of the SVGElement object, the SVGTests object, the SVGLangSpace object, the SVGExternalResourcesRequired object, the SVGStylable object, the SVGTransformable object, and the DOM Level 2 Events EventTarget object (events::EventTarget).
To complete this section on the SVG DOM, let's look at an example of how to script an object representing an element described earlier in this chapter.
Creating a Line Using the SVG DOM
Listing 3.26 is an example of creating a line. The line element is created using the createElement() method of the SVGDocument object. The attributes needed to describe the position of the two ends of the line element and its style attribute are added using the setAttribute() method.
Listing 3.26 MakeLine.svgCreating a Line Using JavaScript and the SVG DOM
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd"> <svg width="400px" height="200px" onload="MakeLine()"> <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ function MakeLine(){ SVGDoc = evt.getTarget().getOwnerDocument(); SVGRoot = SVGDoc.getDocumentElement(); myLine = SVGDoc.createElement("line"); myLine.setAttribute("x1", 50); myLine.setAttribute("y1", 100); myLine.setAttribute("x2", 375); myLine.setAttribute("y2", 100); myLine.setAttribute("style", "stroke:red; stroke-width:4"); SVGRoot.appendChild(myLine); } ]]> </script> <rect x="75" y="75" width="300" height="50" style="fill:red; opacity:0.4"/> </svg>