- Creating a New Site
- Importing a Site
- Site Templates
- The Site Window
- Troubleshooting
- Going Live
Launching the Site Wizard
The Site Wizard you mention doesn't automatically pop up when I open GoLive. How do I create a new Site?
To activate the Site Wizard and create a new Site, select New Site from the File menu or type (Option-Cmd-N) [Alt+Ctrl+N].
To instruct GoLive to launch the Site Wizard each time you start the application, select Edit, Preferences and then choose Show Intro Screen from the At Launch pull-down menu in General Document Preferences.
Creating a New Site from a Local Folder
I'd like to import a local Site into a new project folder, but the Site Wizard doesn't give me this option. How do I make this happen?
To place a locally imported Site into a project folder, you'll need to create that folder arrangement before you import the Site. Simply create a new folder and name it according to the naming convention for your Site. That is, if you plan to name the new Site Mysite, name the folder Mysite Folder. Next, copy the folder you plan to import to the umbrella folder. This means you will actually import the copy. Finally, rename the copied folder, if necessary, giving it the name of the new Site you are creating.