- Creating a New Site
- Importing a Site
- Site Templates
- The Site Window
- Troubleshooting
- Going Live
The Site Window
Now that you've created a Site, GoLive keeps track of every page you create, and stores them all in one convenient place, together with all the other elements you'll need to keep your pages connected and functioning happily as a unit.
Now you've got a world of options. Figure 3.11 shows the Site Window with all its components and folders that the Site Wizard automatically generates.
Figure 3.11 When you finish the Site Wizard, you're presented with the Site Windows containing all the folders and documents in your site.
Anatomy of a Site Window
The very first time you open a site document (the site file), you can view its contents in the tabs of the Primary Site Window. This window has a total of ten tabs, split into two panes, with six tabs in the left pane and four tabs in the right. Each of these tabs also corresponds to an option in the Pane Menu, a pull-down menu accessed by clicking on the small arrow in the top right corner of the Site Window.
To display tabs in a Secondary Site Window, select the Navigation View or Links View command from the Pane Menu. Alternately, choose Site, View, Navigation or Site, View, Links from the Site Menu. These commands, in effect, form the eleventh and twelfth Site Window tabs.
For the most part, the Site Window tabs behave like palettes. You can click and drag any tab just as you would a palette, to mix and match them in new windows, alone or in groups, in whatever arrangement works best for you. Your customized desktop of tabs and site windows will return the next time you open its Site Document. You can have more than one Site Document open at the same time, but dragging tabs from one site into the Site Window of another site is forbidden.
The Files Tab
The Files tab lists the page and media files in the Site Folder. If a page contains anchors, they're listed here under the page. If your site groups its pages and media in folders, the Files tab retains that folder structure.
The Files tab operates exactly like a regular folder would elsewhere on your computer. You can open, close, or delete files, drag files to other folders, copy to the clipboard, even spell check any HTML files you may have open. For each file, the tab lists particulars such as name, size, and date modified by column, just as you might see in a normal list view.
In addition, there are symbols specific to GoLive that indicate more details about the status of a file. These are located within the Errors tab.
In the Status column, a check mark symbolizes that the file is free of errors, and that all files referenced in it have been found.
In the Filename Status column, an "error" symbol indicates that the name of the file violates some filename constraint.
In the Locked column, a padlock indicates a locked file in Mac OS or a read-only file in Windows.
A pencil indicates a locked workgroup file.
In the Used column, a number indicates the number of links to the file from other files at the site. The links can be hyperlinks or references.
With these clear symbols, you can troubleshoot and manage your site files at a glance.
The Extras Tab
The Extras tab lists files in the Data folder: Components, Diagrams, Library, Site Trash, Smart Objects, Stationery, and Templates. Most of these are self-evident, and contain reusable design elements for the Site. Exceptions are
The Components folder contains source files for components of pages that update when the source file is edited.
The Site Trash folder contains files you have deleted in Adobe GoLive but have not yet deleted on your hard diskthat is, not moved to the Recycle Bin (Windows) or to the Trash (Mac OS).
The External, Colors, and Font Sets Tabs
The External, Colors, and Font Sets tabs list items that are stored in the site file, and assist in the storage of certain layout details.
External lists URLs and e-mail addresses that are available to use as links on site pages. Simply point and shoot to insert one of the URLs or addresses on a page in a document window.
Colors indicates which colors you can use on site pages. To use a color, drag it from the tab onto selected text or a selected object on a page in a document window.
Font Sets lists the available font sets for the site pages. Those listed will appear on a menu in the document window. You can also drag a font set onto selected text on a page in the window.
The Errors, FTP, and WebDAV Tabs
The Errors, FTP, and WebDAV tabs list files that are not stored within the site. Instead, these assist with Site Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
Errors lists missing and orphaned files, such as broken links or misplaced files.
FTP and WebDAV are used in uploading the site files to a Web server. Although FTP is still a more common form of file transfer, the advanced WebDAV connection uses file locking to enable Workgroups and other teams to collaborate effectively on projects.
With your site created and securely in place, you now have a firm foundation and a world of options. In the next chapter, Chapter 4, "Working with Sites," we discuss other tools GoLive offers to assist you with site design, diagramming, and overall management. There are many different ways to view your site and understand how all the pieces fit together within a larger structure. This will become increasingly important as your site grows in size and complexity. Chapter 4 also covers site reporting, which provides feedback from your site, helping you to troubleshoot and continue to make your site better and better.